Person with Highest Status of Criminal Hierarchy Detained; Charges Pressed against 6 more Persons for Criminal Subculture Crimes

Investigation is conducted in the Division of Investigation of Grave Crimes of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee to find out all circumstances of cases of receiving the highest status of criminal hierarchy, being involved in the group with criminal subculture, turning to the member of the mentioned group.
Pursuant to data obtained in the result of large-scale operative-intelligence measures taken by the employees of the RA National Security Service, as well as investigative and procedural actions conducted by the investigative body, the person with the highest status of criminal hierarchy and known with a nickname «B.H.» in the criminal world, being a member of the association of persons with criminal hierarchy and interpersonal hierarchical relations, acted according to the rules of conduct defined and recognized by him, which do not comply with the mandatory rules of conduct established by the state.
Particularly, as of February 22, 2020 continuing to maintain the highest status in the criminal hierarchy, the latter led a criminal subculture group. He accepted the requests of those who had turned to him to solve the issues on returning 7.000.000 AMD, 39.000 USD and money in various amounts, the car of «Mercedes» make owed by a number of citizens. Taking advantage of his highest status of criminal hierarchy, he expressed willingness to solve the issues in an illegal way, using his illegal influence and started solving the private issues of returning the mentioned properties.
Besides, receiving the parties involved in disputes on various reasons in one of the houses on Vilnyus Street, using his illegal influence he solved the private issues. The latters, accepting the rules of conduct of a criminal subculture group and the highest status of the criminal hierarchy, agreed to the requested dispute resolution option thus factually being involved in the implementation of goals of the criminal subculture group.
Through investigation it was also found out that the person with the highest status of criminal hierarchy carried out a collection of funds through telephone calls, as well as giving instructions in the computer game zone.
On January 17, 2024 at the above-mentioned address the latter organized a meeting for the criminal subculture group with participation of members with criminal hierarchy and interpersonal hierarchical relations, during which the circumstances of the dispute taken place in November of the previous year and further actions and conduct of those involved in it were discussed.
On the base of the obtained sufficient facts public criminal prosecution was initiated against the person with the highest status of criminal hierarchy according to the Part 1 of the Article 322, the Point 5 of the Part 2 of the Article 323 and the Point 5 of the Part 3 of the Article 324 of RA Criminal Code.
Within the framework of the criminal proceeding public criminal prosecution was initiated against 6 persons, 2 of which are persons who have turned to the person with the highest status of criminal hierarchy to solve their private issues, 4 are alleged members of the criminal subculture group, according to the relevant articles related to criminal subculture, envisaged by the RA Criminal Code.
The mentioned 7 persons were arrested and charge was pressed against them.
Detention was selected as a pretrial measure against the mentioned person with the highest status of criminal hierarchy, home detention and mortgage were used as a pretrial measure against 2 persons, administrative control and mortgage – against one person, administrative control- against one person and absence ban – against 2 persons.
Preliminary investigation is ongoing.