23.01.25, 10:24Members of Transnational Criminal Organization Stole Financial Means in the Amount of about 810 Million AMDA group of RA and foreign citizens created and managed a transnational criminal orgaization committing theft by means of computer in particularly large amount.
20.01.25, 14:16As a Result of Illgegal Tree Felling Pecuniary Damage in Particulalry Large Amount, 17 Million AMD Caused to the StateApparent factual data were obtained on the allegation that as a result of improper performance of official duties committed by the director and other officials of “Hayantar” SNCO branch, pecuniary damage in particularly large amount, 17 million 299 thousand 250 AMD was caused to the state.
16.01.25, 16:26A Group of People Involved in Different Criminal Groups Stole a Particularly Large Amount of Money from a Number of Game Accounts of Bookmaking Companies Operating in the RAPreliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding regarding another case on committing theft by means of computer was completed on the part of seven people involved in four different criminal groups.
15.01.25, 09:54Company Engaged in Retail Trade did not Pay Taxes in Particularly Large AmountNecessary evidentiary and procedural actions are conducted to provide the compensation of the possible damage caused by the alleged crime, as well as the possible confiscation of property.
09.01.25, 19:07Artur Poghosyan, Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Introduced Newly Appointed Deputies Chairman to Committee Staff (photos)A Board meeting of the RA Investigative Committee was held today under the chairmanship of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee, during which the newly appointed Deputies Chairman of the Investigative Committee were introduced to the staff.
03.01.25, 12:07Pecuniary Damage in Particularly Large Amount – 7 Million 500 Thousand AMD Caused to State as a Result of Improper Performance of Official Duties Committed by SNCO DirectorAs a result of improper performance of his official duties by D.A., the distribution of 200 oxygen therapy devices purchased by the Ministry of Health to medical institutions operating in the Republic of Armenia was not documented by SNCO employees.