14.02.23, 15:09

RA IC Investigators Improve Skills in Sphere of Cybercrime Investigation and Electronic Evidence Acquisition (video)

The process of improvement of the professional capacities of investigators of the territorial subdivisions and bodies of the RA Investigative Committee aimed at development of skills in cybercrime investigation and electronic evidence acquisition through training courses is ongoing in the Department of Investigation of Cybercrime and High Technology Crime of General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee.

Within the territorial Program “CyberEast” implemented jointly by the European Union and Council of Europe 4-day training courses have been held in the RA Academy of Justice for more than 30 investigators from each territorial body and subdivisions of the Investigative Committee who have not significant experience in the sphere of investigation of cybercrime and electronic evidence.

The training has been conducted by experienced experts invited from Romania and the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Taking into consideration the unprecedented growth of crimes committed in the mentioned sphere in recent times, as well as conditioned by development of modern technologies within any other proceedings, the actuality of improving skills of investigators in acquisition of electronic evidence,  the courses have been attended by those investigators who, upon receiving reports on cybercrimes, will be assigned the process of initiating proceedings and conducting primary investigative and procedural actions.

The investigators, who have taken part in the training courses, will later on be involved in various seminar-courses aimed at improving skills in the mentioned sphere. Practical trainings on actual topics will be held with them and methodological guidelines will be given to them.