Within Criminal Proceeding Initiated on Murder of Resident of Charentsavan Town 30 year-old Townsman Arrested

Within the framework of the criminal proceeding initiated in Charentsavan Investigative Division of Kotayk Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Part 1 of the Article 155 of the RA Criminal Code circumstances of murder of 62 year-old resident of one of the houses in the third district of Charentsavan town committed in the same house were found out.
On December 12, 2022 at 12:55 a call was received from “Charentsavan” medical center informing that stabbing had been committed in one of the houses of the third district of Charentsavan town.
In the result of taken measures it was found out that on the same day at about 12:40 during the argument between 62 and 30 year-old residents of the mentioned house the latter stabbed his 62 year-old man on the left thigh causing death.
Inspection of the scene was conducted during which blood-like traces were taken, forensic medical expertise of the body was commissioned, a number of people were questioned. Relevant assignments were given to the inquest body.
On the same day 30 year-old man was arrested on the base of reasonable suspicion on the crime committal. Through the latter’s personal search the instrument of the crime - the knife with blood-like traces was found.
Preliminary investigation is ongoing.
Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.