14.07.15, 10:23

The causes of the accident of passenger elevator of multistory building in Yerevan found, charge pressed against two persons

The causes of the accident of passenger elevator of multistory building in Yerevan found, charge pressed against two persons

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in the Investigative Division of Ajapnyak and Davitashen administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee, it was found why the elevator of the building 1 of the lane 2 of Bashinjaghyan Street had broken down, in the result of which the resident born in 1978 H. Shahbazyan died. In the result of comprehensive examination charge was pressed against two persons.

Earlier it was informed that on March 21, 2015 at about 13:45 the elevator of the building 1 of the lane 2 of Bashinjaghyan Street broke down and the cabin fell into the hole from the eleventh floor which negligently caused the death of 37 year-old H. Shahbazyan who had been at the cabin.

A criminal case was initiated in the Investigative Division of Ajapnyak and Davitashen administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee according to the Part 2 of the Article 157 of RA Criminal Code (Breach of safety rules and labor protection rules which negligently caused the death of the aggrieved).

In the result of the investigatory and procedural actions conducted in the framework of the criminal case it was found that the mainspring of speed limiter of the elevator of the mentioned building had not been regulated in the result of which the stoppers operating from the speed limiter of the elevator did not operate, if they operated the process of the cabin would be stalled and it would be kept on steeps. As a result, on March 21, 2015 at about 13:45 the elevator broke down while being operated and fell into the hole from the eleventh floor causing the death of the resident of Yerevan, H. Shahbazyan.

Through comprehensive, objective examination sufficient evidence were obtained on the allegation that the person in charge of safe maintenance and organization of operational control was the director of “Ajapnyak Elevator” CJSC who was responsible for the inspection and safe operation of technical condition of the passenger elevator of the building 1 of the lane 2 of Bashinjaghyan Street, Yerevan.

According to the results of preliminary investigation the director, breaching the requirements of the Article 11 of RA Law “On State Regulation of Provision of Technical Safety”, did not take up annual technical safety inspection of 2014, he did not control over the periodic technical inspection of the elevator which was implemented in an improper way by the electrician-mechanic breaching the requirements defined by the decision N 692-Ն of RA Government dated 09.02.2006 on “Approval of Technical Regulation of Safety Requirements of Elevators and Their Operation”.

On the base of the evidence obtained during pretrial proceeding charge was pressed against the director of “Ajapnyak Elevator” CJSC and the electrician-mechanic according to the Part 2 of the Article 157 of RA Criminal Code.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.