06.02.15, 14:57

Requests on providing medical documents on V. Permyakov’s health, as well as information on medical examinations during military service and their results sent to Russia

Requests on providing medical documents on V. Permyakov’s health, as well as information on medical examinations during military service and their results sent to Russia

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on murder of 7 members of the Avetisyan family committed on 12 January, 2015 in Gyumri is ongoing.

Necessary steps are taken to examine all the hypotheses. Taking the public interest into consideration we inform that through the investigation implemented to examine the possible hypothesis whether the members of the Avetisyan family and the defendant Valeri Permyakov had been in connection with each other in RF, it was found that Hasmik and Aida Avetisyans, Araqsya Poghosyan of the Avetisyan family have not left Armenia since 2005. Seryozha and Armen Avetisyans have periodically left for RF, particularly for Moscow, Krasnadar, Anapa. Sochi, Rostov. Investigative and operative operations to examine the mentioned hypothesis are ongoing.

Besides, in order to correct the possible route of Valeri Permyakov, to detail the actions carried out on 12 January, 2015 by using tracker dogs with the participation of dog-trainers of the appropriate subdivision of RA Police an inspection was implemented by the investigators of General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of RA Investigative Committee, a scheme of possible route was formed.

The results of the mentioned activity are compared with the transcriptions of the phone numbers found at Valeri Permyakov and the data of telephone stations serving the area in order to correct V. Permyakov’s possible route and find some coincidences.

As for the news on defendant Valeri Permyakov being mentally underdeveloped, we declare that the investigative body does not possess such data, there is not such information in the criminal case.

In the framework of the criminal case being investigated in RA Investigative Committee requests were sent to Russia to provide medical documents on his health, as well as information on medical examinations during the military service and their results.

At the same time we inform that immediately after getting the mentioned documents forensic psychiatric and forensic psychological complex examinations will be appointed against the defendant (we clarify that as a rule, in cases of such grave crimes forensic psychiatric and forensic psychological complex examinations are appointed against the defendant for which the documents on health of the person subjected to forensic examination are obligatory).

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

 Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.