25.10.23, 10:55

Preliminary Investigation of Proceeding on Murder of Mother and two Children with Particular Cruelty, out of Mercenary Motives, Committed in Pemzashen, Completed

Preliminary Investigation of Proceeding on Murder of Mother and two Children with Particular Cruelty, out of Mercenary Motives, Committed in Pemzashen, Completed

Preliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding on cases of murder of the resident of Pemzashen village of Shirak region and her two children, violent sexual actions against the girl under 12, banditry, making, procuring, keeping a cutting-piercing item or instrument for depriving of life or causing damage to health by a person held in a penitentiary, was completed.

In the result of large-scale investigative and evidentiary, comprehensive actions conducted in the Investigative Division of Artik and Ani Investigative Division of Shirak Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee all circumstances of the case were found out.

Particularly, through investigation it was found out that on October 28, 2022 the resident of Pemzashen village of Artik community of Shirak region A.B. arrived in Pemzashen from the Russian Federation, made a proposal to the female resident of the same village Z.M. to have an extramarital affair but the latter refused. A.B., who had been in close relations with Z.M.'s husband, learnt that the woman was going to tell her husband about it.

Being afraid that the latter would know about his indecent proposal, being well aware of his discredit in the community as a result of disclosing this information, in order not to allow and prevent all this, he made clarifications about the approximate date of Z.M.'s husband's return to the RA from his friend, who was Z.M.'s cousin. During the meeting with his relative, the resident of the same village V.B., learning about the latter's bad financial state and taking advantage of that circumstance, he informed him about possible availability of money in Z.M.'s house, as well as about her husband's return to the RA and conditioned with it, making his wife keep silence – killing her.

V.B. and A.B. reached agreement on illegally entering Z.M.'s house and stealing money by using violence – committing banditry, as well as on killing her and on November 9, 2022 at about 00:00, taking with them an object adapted to open the valve (a key), twine and a folding knife, bypassing the cameras installed in the village, waited at Z.M.'s house. Making sure that the lights in the house were switched off, they opened the unlocked door of the gate of the yard after which A.B. also opened the door of the house with the adapted key and illegally entered the house.

When Z.M. noticed them in the corridor, A.B. punched the woman on the head and the latter, losing consciousness, fell onto the floor. Then in order to hide the banditry committed by them, the circumstance that A.B had made an indecent proposal to the woman, with the intent to deprive her of life, V.B. and A.B. stabbed Z.M. on different parts of her body causing numerous bodily injuries.

Hearing Z.M.'s screams, the latter's minor children – daughter, born on 07.12.2010 and son, born on 12.06.2014, came to the corridor. Seeing the children, V.B. and A.B. first tied the boy's hands and feet with twine then the girl's hands after which they tied Z.M.'s hands and dragged her to the bedroom. There, in children's presence, considering that Z.M. was alive, they went on stabbing her with particular cruelty. The woman died of 11 bodily injuries she had received.

V.B. and A.B. being sure that the minor boy had recognized them, in order to conceal what had happened, with the intent to kill him with particular cruelty, in the presence of still alive Z.M. and her minor daughter, stabbed the helpless boy, whose hands and feet were tied, on different parts of his body, among them vital organs causing him bodily injuries incompatible with life, thus killing the minor boy with particular cruelty.

Through investigation factual data were also obtained on the allegation that after killing Z.M. and the latter's son, V.B., taking advantage of the helpless state of the girl under 12, satisfying his sexual desires, had sexual intercourse with her, after which being sure that the girl had recognized them, in order to conceal the crimes committed by them, V.B. and A.B., willfully stabbed her twice on the chest and abdomen causing bodily injuries incompatible with life, thus killing the child.

Accomplishing their monstrous intentions, with the intent to illegally get somebody else's property, they stole golden chain, golden cross, 3 golden rings worth 940.000 AMD in total from the chest and finger of the woman's body, as well as from the bedroom, 5000 RF rubles, 20 Euros, about 60.000 AMD and left the house.

Besides, while being in ˝Yerevan-Centre˝ penitentiary of the Ministry of Justice, V.B. acquired a razor blade planned for deprivation of life and infliction of damage to health, as well as an object with a sharp edge from the iron part of a lighter, kept it under the foot of the bed in his cell which was found during the search conducted by the employees of the penitentiary.

The obtained facts were also grounded by numerous expertises commissioned within the framework of the proceeding. In the result of forensic psychiatric expertise against V.B. the latter was found sane.

On the base of the obtained sufficient facts charge was pressed against A.B. according to the Points 6, 8, 10, 13 of the Part 2 of the Article 155, the Points 3, 5, 6, 8, 13 of the Part 2 of the Article 155 (2 counts) and the Point 2 of the Part 3 of the Article 252 of RA Criminal Code. Charge was pressed against V.B. according to the Points 6, 8, 10, 13 of the Part 2 of the Article 155, the Points 3, 5, 6, 8, 13 of the Part 2 of the Article 155 (2 counts), the Point 2 of the Part 3 of the Article 252, the Part 4 of the Article 198 and the Part 1 of the Article 512 of RA Criminal Code.

Preliminary investigation was completed. The materials of the proceeding with the bill of indictment were sent to the prosecutor for approval and referral to court.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.