18.12.18, 05:54

Initiation of Criminal Case on 32 Reports out of 87 Rejected Based on Absence of Crime

Initiation of Criminal Case on 32 Reports out of 87 Rejected Based on Absence of Crime

As of 10:00, December 18, 87 reports on electoral breaches with apparent crime elements envisaged by RA Criminal Code recorded during snap elections of National Assembly were received in territorial subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee.

18 of the reports are in Yerevan, 5 – in Syunik, 12 – in Shirak, 4 – in Aragatsotn, 9 – in Ararat, 9 – in Gegharkunik, 2 – in Armavir, 2 – in Lori, 1 – in Tavush, 1 – in Vayots Dzor provinces and 24 - in General Military Investigative Department.

75 of the materials with apparent electoral breaches relate to double voting attempt, 5 – to breaching confidentiality of ballot, 2 – to hindering to exercise the voter’s free will, 2 – to giving electoral bribe, 1 - to hindering to implement electoral right, 1 – to handing or selling false stamps.

Initiation of criminal case within 32 materials was rejected based on absence of crime.

Currently preparation of materials on 54 reports received on the election day is ongoing.

It was earlier informed that a criminal case was initiated in Aragatsotn Regional Investigative Department on double voting attempt (the Part 1 of the Article 34-153 of RA Criminal Code).

At the period preceding the voting day of snap elections of National Assembly 6 reports on apparent breaches were received in the Investigative Committee. On the base of two of them a criminal case was initiated and was sent to the RA Special Investigatory Service according to investigatory subordination.

Particularly, on December 5, 2018 the resident of Gugark village of Lori province gave explanation in Lori Regional Investigative Department that on December 3 a young boy and a girl went to their house yard and offered her electoral bribe in the form of food. A criminal case was initiated in Lori Regional Investigative Department according to the Part 2 of the Article 154.2 of RA Criminal Code. The criminal case was sent to RA Special Investigatory Service for preliminary investigation.

The other criminal case was initiated in Aragatsotn Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee on hindering to implement electoral right causing damage to property or threatening to damage property (the Part 1 of the Article 149 of RA Criminal Code).

Necessary procedural actions are conducted in RA IC territorial subdivisions to verify the circumstances mentioned in the reports.

Additional information about the results will be provided.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.