22.05.15, 07:45

In the framework of the criminal case initiated on the incident that took place in the area called “Sdghi Gyol” searches conducted, several persons interrogated

In the framework of the criminal case initiated on the incident that took place in the area called “Sdghi Gyol” searches conducted, several persons interrogated

In order to find all the circumstances of the criminal case initiated on the incident that took place on May 2 in the area called “Sdghi Gyol” in Goris investigated in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of RA Investigative Committee necessary investigatory and procedural measures are being taken.

Taking the public interest into consideration we inform that search has been conducted in the cottage complex located at 1 Sdghi lake, Goris with the purpose of finding important items in connection with the case.

During preliminary investigation numerous persons have been and are being interrogated, the clothes that Zaqaryan brothers were wearing while being beaten were confiscated and forensic biological examinations were appointed to find blood samples.

In the framework of the criminal case all the necessary investigatory and procedural actions, operative-intelligence measures are taken to find the frame of the participants in the incident, the level of participation of each of them, to identify the person having inflicted heavy bodily injury to H. Zaqaryan, as well as to give an adequate legal assessment to their actions.