01.11.20, 07:48

Citizen of Sirian Arab Republic, Arab Nationality Arrested within Criminal Case Investigated in Department of Criminalistics of RA Investigative Committee (video)

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on the facts of unleashing and waging an aggressive war by the military-political leadership of the Republic of Azerbaijan along the entire line of contact with the Republic of Artsakh, international terrorism, serious violations of international humanitarian law during armed conflicts, issuing criminal orders during armed conflict, mercenaries is ongoing in the Department of Criminalistics of the RA Investigative Committee.

On October 31, 2020 the citizen of the Syrian Arab Republic Muhhrab Muhammad Al Shkher was arrested by the investigative body on suspicion of committing acts envisaged by the Article 389, the Point 1 of the Part 1 and the Points 1, 2 of the Part 3 of the Article 390 and the Part 3 of the Article 395 of RA Criminal Code.

A part of interrogation of the suspect Muhhrab Muhammad Al Shkher is presented below.