Within Criminal Proceedings Investigated and Completed in 2022 in the RA IC Pecuniary Damage of 1.7 Milliard AMD in total Caused by Crime Recovered; Summery

Data on the damage caused to the state, communities, legal entities and natural persons found within the criminal proceedings completed in 2022 as well as recovery of the damage during investigation have been summed up in the RA Investigative Committee.
Pursuant to it, during the previous year the pecuniary damage, caused to the state, communities, legal entities and natural persons found within the completed criminal proceedings, has made 7.299.459.415 AMD in total. During the year damage in the amount of 1.705.747.972 AMD has been recovered. Moreover, the total damage, disclosed within the proceedings completed in 2022, exceeds the index of 2021 by more than 1.6 milliard AMD or 30%.
Particularly, during 2022 the pecuniary damage, caused to the state found through preliminary investigation, has made 2.475.445.223 AMD. At the stage of preliminary investigation 956.223.116 AMD or 38.6% has been recovered. Moreover, the mentioned result of the recovery of the damage caused to the state exceeds the index of 2021 by about 37%.
310.156.000 AMD or 99.2% of the damage in the amount of 312.467.000 AMD caused to communities has been recovered.
173.039.000 AMD of the damage in the amount of 2.257.952.000 caused to legal entities has been recovered the previous year.
Pecuniary damage caused to natural persons has made 2.253.595.192 AMD. During preliminary investigation 266.329.856 AMD has been recovered.
No pecuniary damage has been caused to international organizations.
Measures have been taken to guarantee the recovery of the damage which has not been compensated yet. Particularly, a ban has been imposed to the defendants’ real and moveable properties, funds worth 1,257.549.000 in total, pursuant to initial calculation, more than 879 million of which is on the part of the damage caused to the state.
Recovery of the damages caused by crime is one of the primary issues of the preliminary investigation conducted within criminal proceedings investigated in the RA Investigative Committee.