Price Lower than Amount Actually Received Stated in Real Estate Purchase Contracts; in the Course of Preliminary Investigation Underpaid Tax in the Amount of 431.300.573 AMD Recovered by Construction Company

In the result of necessary investigative and evidentiary actions conducted within the framework of the criminal proceeding investigated in General Department for Investigation of Economic Crimes and Smuggling of the RA Investigative Committee on evasion of taxes in particularly large amount, as well as measures taken by the employees of State Revenue Committee, significant circumstances of the case of evasion of taxes in particularly large amount by a construction company were found out.
Particularly, in the course of preliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding initiated according to the Point 2 of the Part 3 of the Article 290 of RA Criminal Code it was found out that in right-of-purchase contracts drawn up on the values of units realized from multi-residential-multifunctional buildings constructed in Yerevan, the sale price of the real estate was indicated at a price lower than the amount actually received for the given property by the actual owner and deputy director of the construction company, in this way evading to pay taxes in particularly large amount.
On the base of the obtained evidence charge was pressed against the factual owner and deputy director of the mentioned LLC according to the Point 2 of the Part 3 of the Article 290 of RA Criminal Code.
In the course of preliminary investigation underpaid tax in the amount of 431.300.573 AMD in total was recovered to the state budget by the company.
Decisions were made to terminate public criminal prosecutions initiated against the mentioned persons based on recovering the damage caused to the state.