Preliminary Investigation of Proceeding on Terrorism Organized at House in Noy District and Offices of Parties Located in Gyulbenkyan Street Completed on Three Persons

Preliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding initiated on terrorism organized in February, 2024 at the house in Noy district and offices of parties located in Gyulbenkyan Street was completed on the part of three persons.
Through factual data obtained in the result of large-scale investigative and secret investigative actions conducted in General Department for Investigation of Crimes against the State, Fundamentals of the Constitutional Order and Public Security of the RA Investigative Committee, as well as operative-intelligence measures taken by various subdivisions of the RA National Security Service and the RA Police, it was grounded that RA citizens G.A., V.H. and others not identified yet, having anti-government views, having ideological enmity with the RA current government, organized committing terrorist acts at 143/1 Noy district, Yerevan on February 10, 2024 and at 30/3 and 33 Gyulbenkyan, Yerevan on February 20, 2024.
Particularly, G.S., with the intent to terrorize the population, to disrupt the activities of public authorities, to force Gurgen Melkonyan, representative of public authorities and public servant, Deputy of the RA National Assembly, member of «Civil Contract» party, to abstain from specific political statements and positions and with the intent to force the public authorities to abstain from specific solutions of issues related to internal and external policy, organized terrorism committed by A,G. and E.P., that is explosion combined with the risk of depriving the civilians of life, living at the area adjacent to Gurgen Melkonyan’s residence, causing heavy damage or damage of medium gravity to their health, as well as causing pecuniary damage in large amount.
E.P. and A.G., discussing the details of the activity to be carried out, in order not to be uncovered by the law enforcement bodies, on February 10, 2024 left their mobile phones in the latter’s residence and taking with them the self-made explosive device charged with a shattering TNT-type explosive, made in advance, in a taxi left for the determined address in Yerevan. There E.P. thinking that the private house located at 143/1, Noy district, Yerevan, belonged to Gurgen Melkonyan, in a way explained by A.G. in advance, installed the battery required to bring the above-mentioned detonating device procured illegally, into operation, threw it over the gate to the right corner part of the mentioned house and left. Then the mentioned persons in separate taxis left for A.G.’s residence.
On the same day at 04:30:02 detonation of the mentioned detonation device occurred which was combined with a real risk of depriving civilians of life, causing heavy damage or damage of medium gravity to their health and pecuniary damage in, at least, large amount was caused to the owner of the house A.B..
Besides, organized by G.S. and other persons not identified yet, with the intent to terrorize the population, as well as its separate group, particularly the members of «Civil Contract» party and their supporters, to disrupt the activities of public authorities, to force the public authorities, among them the representative of public authority and public servant, Deputy of the RA National Assembly, member of «Civil Contract» party, founder leader of «United Labor Party» Gurgen Arsenyan to abstain from pursuing policies unacceptable for them and maintaining political positions, V.H., switching off his phone beforehand in order not to be uncovered by the law enforcement bodies, on February 20, 2024, taking with him the detonating devices made in advance illegally, rode on a bicycle to the office of «United Labor Party» located at 33 Gyulbenkyan, Yerevan and at 03:50 installed about 1 kilogram of TNT and pentalite as a detonating agent made in advance, and as a puncturing agent - self-made explosive device containing bricks and bolts fit for wreaking havoc, depriving people of life, and completely destroying surrounding buildings, under the tree located at 9 meters’ distance from the office.
Then, at the same period he put bolts as puncturing elements, and as an explosive – a self-made explosive device containing smokeless gunpowder, fit for depriving people of life, spoiling and destroying property, at the entrance of the territorial office of «Civil Contract» party located at 30/3 Gyulbenkyan thus creating a real threat of explosion and arson combined with a risk of depriving civilians of life, causing heavy damage or damage of medium gravity to their health, causing pecuniary damage in large amount and other grave consequences.
The detonation devices installed by V.H did not detonate, and the mentioned consequences did not come about by chance due to the failure of the self-made detonation device mechanism to operate in a calculated manner.
On the base of the obtained sufficient facts charge was pressed against G.S. according to the Part 1 of the Article 46-308 (2 counts), the Part 2 of the Article 336 (2 counts) and the Part 2 of the Article 335 (2 counts) of RA Criminal Code. Charge was pressed against V.H. according to the Part 1 of the Article 46-308, the Part 1 of the Article 308, the Part 2 of the Article 335 (2 counts) and the Part 2 of the Article 336 (2 counts) of RA Criminal Code, and against A.G. – according to the Part 1 of the Article 308, the Part 2 of the Article 335 and the Part 1 of the Article 335 of RA Criminal Code. Detention was applied as a pretrial measure against them.
Preliminary investigation on the mentioned three defendants was completed. The materials of the criminal proceeding, with the bill of indictment, were sent to the prosecutor for approval and referral to court.