Preliminary Investigation of Proceeding on Preparing Terrorist Act Named «Northern Leaf Fall» Completed

Through factual data obtained in the result of large-scale investigative actions conducted by the investigators of the General Department of Investigation of Crimes against the State, Fundamentals of the Constitutional Order and Public Security of the RA Investigative Committee within the criminal proceeding conducted according to the Article 43-308 and a number of other articles of the RA Criminal Code, as well as operative – intelligence measures taken by the relevant subdivisions of the RA National Security Service it was grounded that a group of people having anti-government views, not agreeing with the external and internal policy led by the government of the Republic of Armenia, in May, 2023 intended to carry out explosions combined with risk of causing damage to health, depriving of life, causing pecuniary damage in large amount and causing other grave consequences, other publicly dangerous acts, seize and hold buildings, communication means, to terrorize the population, its separate groups in that way, to disrupt the activities of public authorities, to force the representatives of public authorities, state and public servants to fulfill their requirements, including to terminate the further exercise of powers.
The members of the group, setting about acquiring the appropriate tools and resources to carry out their intention, adapting them and creating other conditions, between May and October, 2023 in order to increase the circle of accomplices, looked for like-minded people who had mostly served in the military, as well as people with knowledge to make explosive devices, substances, planned to create groups to attack various buildings, objects.
Targeting buildings of certain strategic importance, special attention was paid by the group to the favorable positioning to keep these buildings under their control for a long time, in order to reduce the effectiveness of the actions of competent state bodies aimed at causing alarm, counteracting public dangerous acts, preventing and disrupting them, analyzing and taking into account the experience of similar crimes committed in the past, it was decided to carry out public dangerous operations in several places at the same time.
Then, in order to realize the planned criminal activity, the group members also established contacts with persons engaged in political activities, activated appropriate user accounts in telecommunication applications to ensure uninterrupted communication and informational accompaniment of their criminal activities, planned, as well as reached arrangements with their friends living abroad regarding the evacuation of their family members from the Republic of Armenia at the moment of starting their criminal actions to ensure their security.
In order to realize the explosions and the other publicly dangerous acts in a more effective way, plans were worked out both to drop an explosive device from a certain height using drones, and to use other remote-controlled devices to insert and launch an explosive device under a vehicle or other targets. In order to realize them the members of the criminal group procured and tested a drone, took measures to adapt, improve, modify the technical devices at their disposal, including the factory-made flying device, for more effective implementation of criminal purposes, and to make it suitable for carrying out explosions by installing an explosive device on it.
Besides, the members of the criminal group procured military uniform, means of communication, optical marker, hunting knives and handcuffs, a brief plan of publicly dangerous acts named «Northern leaf fall» was worked out and written in order to realize the criminal actions through attack, retreat and ambush, to leave symbols at the places of attack, to procure mobile phone cards, first aid supplies, to create Ukrainian, Moldavian telegram channels, to distribute flyers, to evacuate family members and other actions. The mentioned document was found in the pocket of the clothes of one of the members of the group.
Together with the above-mentioned, in order to realize their criminal intention, the mentioned persons set about illegal procurement of firearms and ammunition. For this purpose, the mentioned members of the group, with prior agreement, first took measures to find persons who could illegally sell explosive materials and devices. In summer, 2023 meeting the foreigner, not identified yet, they reached agreement on procurement of a certain batch of firearms and ammunition from the latter.
The criminal group could not realize its criminal intention under unforeseen circumstances as it was revealed by the employees of the RA National Security Service.
In the result of collaborative actions of the employees of the law enforcement bodies on November 1, 2023 5 members of the criminal group, were arrested on the base of reasonable suspicion of having committed a crime and was brought to the investigative body.
Charge was pressed against them according to the Part 1 of the Article 43-308 and the Part 2 of the Article 43-335 of RA Criminal Code. Detention was selected as a pretrial measure against them.
A decision was made to separate a part on five defendants from the criminal proceeding and the materials on them, with the bill of indictment were sent to the prosecutor for approval and referral to court.