In the First Term of 2023 140 Criminal Proceedings on Domestic Violence on 146 Persons Sent to Court; Summing up

The general progress of investigation of crimes on domestic violence in the first term of 2023 has been analyzed and summed up in the RA Investigative Committee.
Pursuant to it, in the first term of 2023 1051 criminal proceedings on domestic violence have been investigated in the Committee. 140 of them have been completed with a bill of indictment and on 144 persons sent to court, 2 have been completed with a final act and sent to court. 222 criminal proceedings have been terminated 172 of which on rehabilitative and 50 on a non-rehabilitative basis, procedural and evidentiary actions within 83 criminal proceedings have been completed. 7 criminal proceedings have been sent according to subordination, 76 have been combined, 521 criminal proceedings have been passed to the second term of 2023.
2 of the criminal proceedings sent to court have been on murder, 3 – on murder attempt, 3 – on infliction of heavy bodily damage, 2 – on infliction of bodily damage of medium gravity, 1 – on deprivation of freedom, 2 – on violent sexual acts, 11 – on infliction of light bodily damage, 116 – on other crimes.
110 defendants out of 144 within criminal proceedings sent to court have been wife/husband, 20 – parent/grandmother and grandfather, 5 – sister/brother, 9 – son/daughter/ grandson/granddaughter.
14 victims out of 152 within criminal proceedings sent to court have been up to 12, 4 – between 12 and 14, 4 – between 14 and 18, 130 – over 18 years old.
2 of the terminated proceedings have been on murder, 6 – on infliction of light bodily damage, 1 – on hindrance to a meeting between a parent or other close relative and a child, 3 – on avoiding paying alimony, 207 – on other crimes.
Within terminated criminal proceedings criminal prosecution has not been conducted or has been terminated on non-rehabilitative basis against 59 persons. 52 of 59 persons have been wife/husband, 4 - parent/grandmother and grandfather, 1 - sister/brother, 2 - son/daughter/ grandson/granddaughter.
4 victims out of 221 within terminated proceedings have been up to 12, 6 – between 12 and 14, 6 – between 14 and 18, 205 – over 18 years old.