Former Head of Gavar Territorial Agency of Social Assistance Took Bribe from over 4 Dozens Citizens; Preliminary Investigation on 6 Persons Completed

Preliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding initiated on taking bribe from over 4 dozens citizens by the former head of Gavar Territorial Agency of Social Assistance was completed in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee.
n the result of large-scale investigative and procedural actions it was found out and grounded that the head of Gavar Territorial Agency of Social Assistance, holding the mentioned position between 2014 and 2019, having authority to assign and recalculate pensions and benefits, demanded and took bribes of various amounts from around 4 dozens citizens who had applied to him for adding the years of work experience in the database of the state pension system, formulating citizens' pension from the age of 63 instead of the age of 65, making the pension higher by writing down more years of work experience, organizing the hiring process of certain persons in the unit subordinate to him, providing and recovering one-time payment of accumulated as well as disability pension terminated due to non-payment for years, including obviously illegal false information in the work book of citizens in order to formulate the pension to be received higher.
On the base of the obtained sufficient facts charge was pressed against the former head of Gavar Territorial Agency of Social Assistance according to the Part 1 of the Article 435 (2 counts), the Point 3 of the Part 2 of the Article 435 (32 counts), the Point 2 of the Part 2 of the Article 435, the Points 2 and 3 of the Part 2 of the Article 435 and the Part 1 of the Article 445 (2 counts) of RA Criminal Code. Charges were also pressed against 5 of the above-mentioned citizens for giving a bribe. Absence ban was chosen as a pretrial measure against them.
Preliminary investigation on the mentioned defendants was completed, the materials of the criminal proceeding with the bill of indictment were sent to the prosecutor for approval and referral to court.