Criminal Prosecution Initiated against Two Persons for Committing High Treason; Search Declared against Them

In the result of evidentiary actions conducted within the framework of the criminal proceeding on espionage and high treason investigated in General Department of Investigation of Crimes against the State, Fundamentals of the Constitutional Order and Public Security of the RA Investigative Committee, it was found out that RA citizens V.M. and S.J., though providing assistance to a representative of foreign special services in order to commit espionage and hostile activity, committed high treason to the detriment of the sovereignty and external security of the Republic of Armenia.
Particularly, on September 4, 2015 V.M. crossed the RA state border then in order to commit a hostile activity he passed to the Azerbaijani side, left for Baku where he met the representatives of Azerbaijani special service and being recruited by them signed an agreement on cooperation. Then at the latters’ instruction he made anti-Armenian speeches through mass media, with which he slandered the RA authorities and praised the Azerbaijani authorities which were disseminated through mass media.
After it, being recruited by the representatives of Azerbaijani special service, through providing assistance to them, at the instruction and control of the special services, through fake social nets V.M. founded an ideological organization with the fake title "Peace Platform", in which he recruited RA citizen S.J.
Knowing for certain about V.M.’s activity, S.J. passed to the Azerbaijani side, left for Baku, met the military sphere representatives and being recruited by them, signed an agreement on cooperation after which for money, he told them information related to Qarvachar unit, as well as the Republic of Armenia which is a state secret. Then at the requirement of the representatives of special services of Azerbaijan, he gave an interview during which he praised Azerbaijan and made anti-Armenian speeches which were disseminated through mass media.
On the base of the obtained facts the investigator submitted motions to the prosecutor to initiate criminal proceeding against V.M. and S.J for committing the mentioned committals according to the Part 1 of the Article 418 of RA Criminal Code. They were sufficed.
Detention was selected as a pretrial measure against V.M. and S.J. Search was declared against them.
Preliminary investigation is ongoing.