Charge Pressed against 57 Year-Old Resident of Khashtarak Community and his Daughter for Causing Strong Physical Pain and Mental Sufferance to Juvenile Children

In the result of investigatory and other procedural actions conducted within the criminal case investigated in Tavush Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee circumstances of causing strong physical pain and mental sufferance to juvenile children, as well as heavy bodily injury to one of them committed by 57 year-old resident of Khashtarak and his daughter were found out.
It was earlier informed that 57 year-old resident of Khashtarak community, for the purpose of inflicting heavy bodily damage hit his juvenile grandchild, born in 2014, with hands, feet and wood on different parts of his body because the latter had disturbed him. As a result, 6 year-old child fell down, hit the foot of the sofa with his head, sustained numerous bodily injuries dangerous for life and unconscious was taken to “Arabkir” medical center.
Besides, on August 14, 16, 2020 and in an unknown period for the same reason 57 year-old man hit two juvenile grandchildren with hands and feet on several parts of their bodies causing strong physical pain and mental sufferance to them.
Pursuant to data obtained through investigation the latter’s 28 year-old daughter also periodically willfully hit her 5 juvenile children as well as her brother’s 2 juvenile sons with hands, feet, wood and other items causing strong physical pain and mental sufferance.
On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against 57 year-old man according to the Part 1 of the Article 112 (infliction of willful heavy damage to health) and the Points 1 and 3 of the Part 2 of the Article 119 (causing strong pain or bodily or mental sufferance to a person) of RA Criminal Code. The latter was arrested. Charge was pressed against his 28 year-old daughter according to the Points 1 and 3 of the Part 2 of the Article 119 of RA Criminal Code. A motion was submitted to court to use detention as a pretrial measure against her, it was not sufficed.
Preliminary investigation is ongoing.
Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.