475 Vehicles and at least 119 other Properties Returned to Citizens within Criminal Proceedings under Investigation

Within the framework of the relevant assignment given by the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Artur Poghosyan during the working meeting convened on December 2, 2024, the issue of vehicles, other objects, and items subject to return to legal owners or their authorized representatives within criminal proceedings under investigation has been thoroughly studied in Yerevan and regional investigative departments, as well as in subdivisions included in them.
It should be recalled that the Chairman of the Investigative Committee had attached particular importance to the protection of citizens’ rights within the framework of criminal proceedings and assigned to eliminate cases of unjustified or unnecessary restriction of citizens' property rights, particularly concerning the return of confiscated items and movable property. At the same time, it had also been instructed to consider the possibilities of returning the items and objects confiscated in the course of the proceedings to their legal owners, especially if they are necessary for the livelihood of individuals.
As a result of comprehensive observations and analytical work carried out in the relevant subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee in recent days, within the criminal proceedings investigated in Yerevan and regional investigative departments, 475 vehicles and at least 119 other properties have been returned to citizens․
It should be added that this process will be ongoing and opportunities for finding solutions to similar problems of particular importance to citizens will be periodically addressed.