25.000.000 AMD out of Damage Caused to State by LLC as a Result of Violation of Land Use Legislation Recovered in the Course of Preliminary Investigation

In the course of preliminary investigation of the criminal proceedings investigated in Armavir Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee data were obtained on the allegation that the LLC director, violating the requirements of a number of articles of the RA Land Code and the RA Code about Subsoil, being obliged to carry out mineral extraction works in accordance with the terms of the contract and the project, as well as violating the provisions of other legal acts establishing rules for the use and protection of soil and subsoil, in 2021 carried out the use of the soil and subsoil in the land owned by Apaga community of Armavir and a number of persons in violation of the rules for extracting, transporting, preserving, using, subsoil use and protection, negligently causing significant damage to the environment and subsoil.
Forensic ecological and forensic accounting complex expertise were commissioned to find out the amount of the damage caused to the state, the impact of the company's activities on land resources through the conclusion of which the volumes of sand and gravel mass extraction, carried out by the company legally, as well as in violation of the rules for using and preserving subsoil, were found out.
In the course of preliminary investigation it was found out that since 2015 the owner of the mentioned LLC has carried out mining of mountain mass both within the land use permit and from the surrounding area.
Besides, it was also found out that the extraction from the areas within land use permit had been carried out by the company without purposeful change of land areas as a result of which damage was caused to land resources.
25.000.000 AMD out of the damage caused by the company has been recovered in the course of preliminary investigation.
Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Measures are taken to recover the rest of the damage and to give legal assessment to the actions of those involved.