1535 Criminal Proceedings on Domestic Violence Investigated in the RA Investigative Committee in the First Semester of this Year

As a result of summery of semi-annual indicators of this year, the below-mentioned statistical indicators were recorded in the section of criminal proceedings related to domestic violence investigated in the RA Investigative Committee.
1535 criminal proceedings on crimes related to domestic violence were investigated in the proceeding of the Committee according to the relevant articles of the RA Criminal Code.
197 of the mentioned criminal proceedings were completed with the bill of indictment and on 199 persons were sent to court, 4 were completed with a final act and sent to court, 345 criminal proceedings were terminated 307 of which on rehabilitative, 38 – on non-rehabilitative base, procedural and evidentiary actions within 328 proceedings were completed, 17 criminal proceedings were sent according to subordination, 116 were combined, 528 criminal proceedings were transferred to the second semester of 2024.
Particularly, out of 195 criminal proceedings sent to court (without double)
1 was investigated on murder,
2 – on murder attempt,
6 – on infliction of damage of medium gravity to health,
17 – infliction of light damage to health,
2 – on kidnapping,
1 – on illegal deprivation of freedom,
140 – on physical impact,
5 – against sexual freedom,
1 – on prevention of visitation between a parent or other close relative and a child,
1 – on avoiding paying alimony,
19 – on other crimes.
Out of 199 defendants within criminal proceedings sent to court 160 were wife/husband, 21 – parent/grandmother and grandfather, 8 – sister/brother, 10 – child, grandchild.
Out of 206 victims within proceedings sent to court 7 were up to 12 years old, 3 – between 12 and 14, 7 – between 14 and 18, 189 – over 18 years old.